
Trauma sensitive yoga
14 Oct 2022

How to Find Success in Your At-Home Yoga Practice


Now that you’ve developed an at-home yoga routine that works best for you, it’s time to turn that routine into a successful habit!  Follow these three tips below to continue a practice that provides you with the best benefits:


1. TRY SOMETHING NEW – Make it fun!

If you’re the type of person that seeks variety in your routine, it may become a tad boring if you repeat the same practice every time you’re on the mat. Don’t be scared to try something new or add some new gentle variations. Maybe you can plan a yoga date with friends or your dog, maybe you can listen to a new playlist each time, or maybe you can try new poses when you’re ready. Whatever excites you and keeps you wanting to practice gentle yoga, try it out!



When you practice yoga, you are not only receiving the physical benefits from each pose and movement, you are also receiving the mental benefits that will impact your everyday life. Yoga is proven to tremendously increase brain health, which in turns creates positive impacts in your everyday life. It improves memorization skills, heightens self-awareness, and reduces stress and anxiety (just to name a few).  So, the next time you’re feeling doubtful in tree pose or any other yoga pose for that matter, remember all of the benefits you are creating for your body.



Many of us struggle with always trying to achieve ‘perfectionism’ in everything we do – please remember that ‘off days’ are completely normal and an imperfect practice is better than no practice!  If you feel too sore or tight for a particular pose, that’s okay. If you feel that you could have accomplished more from your routine, that’s okay.  If you’re struggling to commit to your habit building, that’s okay. Showing up for yourself and your body is what matters.

That’s the beauty of yoga – it does not restrict, and it does not expect perfectionism. As long as you are making steady progress in the direction of accepting the imperfections and towards your inner peace, you are well on your way! Meet you on the mat,


2 replies on “How to Find Success in Your At-Home Yoga Practice”

You’re welcome Radha, thank you for sharing that this post motivated you! Don’t we all need a little (or a lot!) extra of that during COVID times!?!? Peace to you, Angie

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